Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What I learned English 10 Second Quarter

I've learned lots of things this quarter. I believe that everything I learn and try hard in will benifit me in the future. I choose to learn and be cooperative through out my English 10 quarter. I've learned how to compare themes, Irony and Ambiguity, and lot's of vocbaulary words. I've learned plenty of things starting as a freshmen in Ms. Priester's classroom. Unfortunately, the class of 2013 will not have her class next year.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Shop 'til You Drop

I was so excited for this special event. I took pictures with my house and then some with a couple friends. I super stoked when I found out that everybody got ipods. Mine was blue but I wasn't very interested in that color so I traded Nora for her pink one. I didn't get any clothes because they were sort of last choice clothes. There was a raffel that I was hopoing to win but didn't and I was kind of disappointed. Overall I enjoyed the time I spent with the friends of San Pasqual. I was very grateful.

Lamb to Slaughter

If I was a detective investigating the murder of Patrick Maloney in “Lamb to Slaughter” .Roald Dahl, I would have been more focused on who killed him and trying my best to figure out who killed him. In the story the story I feel like the detectives were only worried about the death of Patrick Maloney when the first found out he was killed. In the real world a detective would have token Mrs. Maloney into custody and ask plenty of questions, they would have inspected the body, and trace all finger prints. I would have done everything a good detective would do. I would have been a hardcore detective, and I wouldn’t have stopped until I solved the mystery.

Friday, December 10, 2010

"Lamb to Slaughter" Graphic Organizer

Click here to view a larger version of my graphic organizer.

Lamb to the Slaughter

At the end of "Lamb to Slaughter"by Roald Dahl, Mary Maloney begins giggling because she knows that when the detective said " I bet the evidence is right under our noses" because they were eating the evidence.  She could have also been giggling because her plan work out perfectly. Also, she got away with murder. After the police leave Mary's house I predict she will go up to her room and tell her self how brilliant she is and so much more.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Situational Irony in My life

The most memorable Irony in my life that I find funny was about playing basketball. As a young girl my grandmother always wanted me to join school activities. She thought basketball was a great sport for me, but I found cheerleading more intresting. I thought that basketball was more of a guy sport and girls didn't look good playing it. I told myself I wouldn't play basketball because it wasn't for me. Now I'm 15 years old and I play for San Pasqual Academy Lady dragons. I focus on basketball to keep me out of trouble and when I'm bored because its something I now enjoy that I never thought I would see myself doing.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

First Persuasive Paragraph

Students should not be allowed to play sports if they have low grades. They should be able to put their educational standards before any sport. You can have a career playing sports, but eventually as you get older it won't benifit you any longer. If you for example were go a graduate school and became a lawyer it would last much longer than playing sports with low academic standards. People focus on kids with talent but it takes the requiring academic standards in order to play sports. Your education isn't just what your parents expect from you but what everyone expects from a child with talent.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Theme Comparison Essay

Love can come in many different ways, shapes, and forms. In the story  “The Bass, the River, and Sheila Mant,” the narrator was having a tough time choosing between something he loves to day and the girl that he has been liking all summer. In the story " Catch the Moon” Luis changes from the begging of the story were he was a mean and troubled little kid to for the fist time in his life since his mom passed away that he did something good for someone.

The narrator and Shelia Mant.The narrator has to choose between Sheila Mant and the fact that he might have to give up the one thing that he loves fishing. he ends up giving up the fish for the girl and every since then he has regretted it.The narrator changed because he now understands that their other Sheila Mants in the world.People shouldn’t try and change the way they are for other people, also people come and go but only stay true to yourself and that's all that matter.

The main characters of catch the Moon are Naomi and Luis.Every since Luis mom died he became a troubled kid and he joined a gang and was in and out of court. Then he meet Naomi and the night he found him self crying he realized that she was there looking at him but not laughing. she was drawing a picture of him but a good picture and at the end he ended up doing something good for someone and that is something he haven't done in a long time.Luis changed because he went from being mean a stilling form people to actually doing something nice for someone.People walk down a road and sometimes they fall off. But it only takes one person to get them back on the right path.

“The Bass, he River, and Sheila Mant,” the narrator was having a tough time choosing between something he loves to day and the girl that he has been liking all summer. In the story " Catch the Moon” Luis changes from the begging of the story were he was a mean and troubled little kid to for the fist time in his life since his mom passed away that he did something good for someone.The main thing that both of these books have in common are they both have people in the end who decided to do something a learned form there mistakes and tried to make a better life.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Graphic Oranizer

" Catch the Moon" Grief paragraph

The change Luis experiences after he  address the grief he feels for his mother's death is believeable.  For example Luis used to be a bad kid and looked up to people that influenced him a negative way. Now that he see's why his father is always so worried about him he's changed. In real life that can also true. A person can change for someone they love. By dealing with grief, people are able to overcome their problems and be able to express themselves better rather than being uptight to people who are only trying to help you. Grief is a strong sometimes overwhelming emotion for people. Grief is a part of life that can sometimes hurt or even make you feel good. Luis at the time was grieving for his Mother who is resting in peace. He misses her and he wants to be a better person. He realizes he can do anything he wants if he put his mind to it.

Monday, November 15, 2010

SPA Moive and Games Day Paragraph

I was prepared for Friday. I wore comfortable clothes just to get ready to dominate the other classes. First we watched a movie called " Freedom Writers". I thought it was cool because the stuff that happened in the movie just showed how the stuff in the real world. After the movie we played 2 games of basketball. Sophomores played against the Seniors and the Juniors played against Freshmen. After we beat the Seniors we played against the Junoirs, we also be beat the juniors. After playing basketball we played volleyball. We didn't win the championship for volleyball but I'm glad we did win the basketball tournament. There was a cupcake but I didn't play in that. We ate lunch and I went to basketball practice.
Homeroom Reform Essay Final Draft

Approximately 102,000 children are in foster care in California. Studies show that few emancipated foster youth have entered college and more than a third had not completed high school. Most kids on this campus grew up with their parents. Most of the time they spent in their parents’ homes they were probably trying to balance two jobs and were very unfortunate. Trying to pay the rent and all the rest of their bills, some families didn’t have enough money for food. To even think about having a computer was unheard of. The students at San Pasqual Academy (SPA) deserve to experience a new way of technology.
San Pasqual Academy needs more lap tops. Having more lap tops will not only benefit the students but also the teachers.  Teachers grading will be easier and they will have less paper work. As foster youth, we already face many challenges we are looked at least or looked at last. By becoming advanced technology users we will be able to increase the chances of foster youth succeeding in college. This could be the thing to help SPA raise the amount of foster youth who want to change their lives.
Having laptops around campus will help me in many ways to improve the things I do. It will help me become a better student and will increase the way I do things in school. Finding new ways to do projects will also increase my grades. It will help me if we had more computers because it is hard sharing one computer with eight girls. It will teach me responsibility, and organization. This will show me that there are a lot of other things in life.
We as a campus have tried to take small steps in making this happen. We started by getting more laptops for Ms. Priester’s class and ever since then we have learned a lot of new things and we are continuing to learn new things everyday.  Our teachers have tried to talk to the adminstration. Also they have been going to meetings and teaching other schools the power of technology. This can be the new way of learning.
Having laptops at SPA will have a very positive impact on the students. It will teach them the basics of the computer use such as Google Docs, PowerPoint, and Word. Using these sites for a variety of things will be very helpful in the long run with college. Also lot of kids grew up with out computers in their houses so it will introduce them to a new easier way of learning. This will also teach them how to keep things organized and how to be more independent.
Laptops at San Pasqual Academy will be gratefully used and deserved. Having laptops will teach youth how to be more organized and responsible. This will be a great opportunity to start improving the statics of foster youth doing well in college.

(I wrote this essay with Tierra A. We wrote it for the KNSD Homeroom Reform Essay Contest )

Sunday, November 7, 2010

SPA Theme Song

The song I choose to write about is “Happy” by Natasha Bedingfield. I chose to write about this song because I know a lot of kids on this campus that tend to think negative when there’s so many things to be happy for including me. The song explains how something might not go the way you want it to but you have to continue your life happy because life is too short and unpredictable. Meaning that why are you making things hard on your self when becoming angry is a choice and that you can make the best out of what you have. If a staff gives you a consequence why make it a big deal and cuss them out when that will only make it worse. Another reason I chose this song because someone that I really care about introduced it to me and every time I’m upset I think if her and this song.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

"The Bass, the River, or Shelia Mant" Airhead stereo Type

Who deserves to be called an air head? I honestly believe no one does and especially if you don't even know them. Everyone is special in there own way and no one has the right to make them feel like an air head. People gain knowledge over time and some people just learn slower but that doesn't mean anything. Were all human and no one is perfect. I feel like the only person that would ever have the right to call someone an air head is them selves because they may have known something that may have not clicked right then and there but that's about it.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Catch the Moon" Falling in Love

I believe that loving someone can change the way you see life. I fell in love with an amazing person at the age of 15, and till this day I still love him. Love can be a good feeling but it can also be hard at times. I am unfortunately no longer dating this person because of my personal issues but I was in deep love with him. It’s really hard to get over him and every time I want to talk to him I think of all the stuff he’s done to and for me, in a negative and positive way. From my point of view those six months of my life were different when I was with him and I must admit I did love spending those six months with him. When I first got to san pasqual academy my behavior was off the wall. The first person I would go to when I was having problems was my ex-boyfriend but we were best friends back then. I wish I could go back in time to the beginning but I have to face reality some time in my life and move on. I know he would want me to do the same. It's even harder to know we can't be friends because I care about him so much and I'll only want to go back in the past. If I had one wish it would be to start us off as best friends and to have never dated him.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween Memory In Third Person

One halloween Shaurice left S.P.A to go trick or treating with her mentor Sarah and a close friend named Jessica. They went to all diffrent stores trying to figure out what they wanted to be. They planned for Jessica and Sarah to be football players and Shaurice be the referee. They saw so many costumes they didn't know what they wanted to be. Jessica and Shaurice went around the stores trying on everything they saw while Sarah took pictures. In the end they ended up becoming kitten but they wern't sure what accesories to wear. Shaurice decided for them to wear Tutu's and tigh's with ears that light up. They went home changed into thiere last minute costumes and had a great time racing to the candy.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

“The Highwayman” and “Typhoid Fever” Comparison

What both stories characters have in common is risking lives or punishment for the one's they cared for.  In “The highwayman” the landlord’s daughter had a choice to be with a robber or obey her father’s orders by not seeing him again. She chose the highwayman and ended up dying for him. While in “The Typhoid Fever” the small boy risks punishment by talking to Patricia because he really liked her and enjoyed the conversations although they were not allowed to talk to each other. It was good that Frankie heard the end of the story because he realizes the harshness in life and that sometimes bad things happen to good people for no reason.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Present Tense Childhood Memory

I’m fifteen years old and I’m hanging with my friends Tierra and DJ. Were in our fifth period class, and it’s so close to school being over. Just when my friend DJ said something that reminded me of a youtube video. I start busting out laughing and she asked me why. I told her there was this video of Indigo Vanity, the girl from the rangers jerking crew, and she AIM-ING, and when she asked him what he was doing he replied “Bickin Back Beating A Bowl Of Bereal.” DJ, Tierra and I could not stop laughing. As I thought about it, I realized what he meant to say was “Kicking back eating a bowl of cereal”. I thought to myself who talk’s like that now and days. I was thinking maybe he was trying to be cool because he’s talking to a famous girl, or maybe that’s just how he was. In the begging I thought he was illiterate.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Cold Equations

The title of the story is “Cold Equation” and it is written in Third-person limited point of view. The new point of view is being told from Third-Person omniscient. If the story were being told by Marilyn her reaction to dieing would be more detailed. We would know how, she truly feels, and all the stuff that happened in her past. Also, if it were her point of view, she would have thought differently before entering the EDS. Another example of Marylyn’s point of view could have been when she called her brother. We know what happened but only from Barton’s point of view, but she may have been feeling differently about dying.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Storyteller

I'm on the train I start to get bored. I ask my aunt to tell us a story, as my little sister and little brother gather around. The story isn't even that great, there was so many question's running through my head. My little brother and sister stay asking " Why this, why that".  She seemed irritated because she couldn't get us to shut our mouths. In my head I was thinking that this story would never end. Even the random people around me were starting to get bored with this story. My aunt offered some bachelor to come and listen to the story. He decided to tell a new story. His story was so much more intresting than my aunts. It was amazing.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"The storyteller" Plot Diagram

This is my plot diagram for " The storyteller". Click here to See how I've done it!

My point of view's

The Story Teller

  1. The Cat in the Hat (Dr.Suess)
  2. Cinderella (Edmund Dulac)
  3. The sleeping Princess (Edmund Dulac)
  4. The Princess and the Pea (Hans Christian Andersen)
  5. The Little Mermaid (Hans Christian Andersen)
My favorite fairy tale book while growing up was "The Cat in the Hat" by Dr.Seuss. I've cherished all books by Dr. Seuss because when I was growing up, his books always made me laugh as a little girl. I loved how his rhymes were gave me something to think about. "Who would ever think about green eggs and ham?" is what I would ask myself. Till this day I know that Dr.Seuss has the most easiest yet mind challenging books. For me everything he ever rhymed has meaning to me. My mother read it to me, as well as my grandmother and father. In the future I plan to read Dr. Seuss to my children and hope they read it to their children.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Up and down Day

So today for some reason just wasn't my day. I was happy 1-5th period, and I ignored eveything and eveyone I knew that would get to me. The sixth period came and I had alot on my mind. I went home and was happy all of a sudden. I spent some quality time with my ousemates and had lot's

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chilean Miners Rescue

As I read different articles I had many different thoughts going through my head, but the one feeling that hit me every time was staying strong. I say this because in one of the articles said “We had strength, we had spirit, we wanted to fight, we wanted to fight for our families, and that was the greatest thing” says Luis Urzua. Luis Urzua was the  33rd miner to be rescued. The article also stated “In nearby Copiapo, about 3,000 people gathered in the town square, where a huge screen broadcast live footage of the rescue.” I find that very caring that other people from different cities would support such a tragic moment like that. If I were in that situation I think that I would of cried and wanted to be put out of my misery. Everyone who was there to guide them through that horrible situation has a great heart.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Essay Reflection Paragraph

The three things that I like most about my essay was that my fourth paragraph because I feel like I required all of the things that were needed in it.  The second thing that I like about me essay was my formatting and writing techniques because the paper demonstrates all standard formatting expectations (heading, title, double-spaced, Times New Roman or Arial font, size 10 or 12 font, and 1” margins).  Grade-level writing mechanics are used (complete sentences, proper capitalization, accurate punctuation, correct spelling, and standard grammar).The third thing I loved about my essay was that I finished the fact that it needed to be six paragraphs and I put about seven. What I didn’t like about my essay was that there was much moiré that could have been fixed but I decided not to fix it. For example, my first, second, and third paragraph could have been stronger. What Ms. Priester could do to help me become a better writer is to supervise and question my writing.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Memorable Days

1. When I was 10 was my first time throwing up besides when I was a baby.

2. When I was eight was my first time going to Knott’s Berry Farm.

3. My first boyfriend was when I was ten years old.

4. I wasn’t allowed to get acrylic nails until I was 13.

5. I wasn’t allowed to wear make up until I was 13.

6. When I was three years old I never liked to wear my diaper.

7. At the age of six I was obsessed with beyonce.

8. My best friend Amina moved to Oakland when I was eight.

9. At the age of 14 was my first time to raging waters.

10. At the age of 15 was when I realized I had the best boyfriend in the world.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"Two Kinds" Mother & Daughter Conflict

In the conflict between Jing-mei and her mother, Jing-mei is the one I support. For example, she’s young but yet she knows what she wants to do and what she doesn’t. She won’t let anyone force her into something she doesn’t want to do. This shows that she’s an independent girl. This also shows that she isn’t afraid to hear what people think about her.  In addition while she was watching Television and her mom told her to get up and get ready for piano practice, she stood up to her and told her that she didn’t want to go. This shows that Jing-mei is brave enough to stand up to the women who brought her into this world knowing she could take her out. Jing-mei did something I would never do, which is telling my mom off. I think that Jing- mei’s actions were very strong and made her mom realize that you can’t control people’s lives.

Monday, September 27, 2010

" Two Kinds" Summary Poem

I go to the beauty college because mother

Wants me to look like Shirley Temple

She wants me to practice piano notes with out mistakes

She realizes that I could be someone if I try

I just hope I don’t shame in misery and tears

College is what mom wants but how if I don’t even know the capitals

Take lessons with Mr. Chong just to tremble

And shake at the talent show and the audience.

Genius daughters is what she really meant,

The one’s who bring china Trophy’s

Jing-Mei is only a pleading child

Who’s told she needs to be the best like Waverly

You make me disappointed and not want to clap for the little babies

She makes me look like I’m not good for magazines

Or like I can’t hit the right key and I’m not a good enough Prodigy

I rebel the schedule of being sentimental

I’m as strong as a bench

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Favorite Character Interview

I made this form to interveiw my P.M staff on  9-26-10 for homework
- This is the form for me to get above grade level.
Click here to view her answers

Thursday, September 23, 2010

"Two Kinds” In the Shoes of a Prodigy

I would enjoy being a prodigy because I swear I was born to be a star. It feels good to have the special attention and have everyone depend on you to win or to help someone out. If I was born a star in sports (no need because I’ve taught myself to become athletic) I’d play every sport possible. I’d also enjoy being a prodigy for singing. I love to sing, especially when I’m upset. It clears my mind. I hope that in the end to have a voice like Beyonce because I feel like if I continue singing that it will be a prodigy for me. Most of my friends support my singing and athletic abilities. They love to hear me sing, and love watching me play sports. I’d love being a prodigy either way I lived my life. One day I hope to become a prodigy and have people depend on me to sing “Star spangled banner” for Obama Barrack or play for the “LA SPARKS”.

Character Graphic Organizer

Shaurice, Becky and Amy's, Character Graphic oraganizer.
Form Click Here

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Staff-Teacher Conferences Paragraph

I feel like the grade I have in my class was something I worked hard for.  I have this grade because everyday I come home and I am determined to get my work done.  My strengths in this class are working on the blog because I can type better than I write. The challenges I face in this class has to be helping people who don’t want to help them selves.  In order to maintain my grade I must stay focused and on top of my work. For staff to help me improve my grade is to become more involved with my school schedule every once in a while. Ms Priester can help me raise my grade by questioning my work and asking why I did that and so on. By the end of the quarter I hope to keep my A.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

“Two Kinds” Conflict Experience Paragraph

Today I went to an event on campus called “Shop till you Drop”. They call us by houses and depending on what house has the highest GPA and cleanest house. I was excited because our house got called inside earlier than usual which means were improving a lot compared to last year. I see my twin which feels like the other half of me ,Tierra Andrews and I’m thinking to  my self “ this could actually be the best part of my day”. I got all the school supplies I needed and everything I wanted. I’m now waiting for my other half to be done with shopping and Noelle stops me. She’s like” I seen this very cute back pack that I think would really go good with you and I noticed that when you walked through the door”. I smiled and some what laughed because out of all people in that room she chooses me to wear the back Pack. When I see the backpack I wanted to gag but I didn’t tell her. I smiled and told her it was very cute even thought I didn’t want to touch that backpack.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Acrostic Poem About Me


• I’m stubborn when I don’t get the things I really want


• I can be humorous if you know me really well


When it comes to sports, my heads in the game

I put others before myself and care about what others think

Risk taking

• I take risk’s because if I didn’t my life would be boring


• I’m very intelligent when it comes to a subject I like


• I’m very outgoing and I believe I’m capable of anything if I tried


• Once I have energy the only way to get me to be quite is to turn on Sponge bob

Character Acrostic Poem for " Mama"


Mama tells Maggie she’s beautiful even thought she’s burned

Mama mention she works like a man to get the job done.


Mama cleans takes care of Dee


Mama comforts Maggie when she gets scared of Asalamalakim

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Character Analysis of Marcus Bradshaw

One of my peers I chose to write about was Marcus Bradshaw. He’s my best friend, boyfriend and all of the above. To me, he’s caring, mature (at times), amazing, bright, and handsome. I accept him for who he is and not who I want him to be. He isn’t afraid to speak his mind to me nor is he afraid to do anything in front of me. We hang out whenever we get a chance and we talk about how our day went. We laugh at the dumbest things ever and when it comes to people trying to ruin us he ignores all the drama. I like him because he’s there for me when I need someone to talk to when I’m feeling down he makes me happy. When I’m thinking negative he’s always the one to make me think positive.  It’s crazy how things and people start off in life.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

“Everyday Use" Character to Person Comparison Paragraph.”

Dee and Maggie’s mom remind me so much of my mom. She isn’t afraid to say what she feels or even admit she’s a hard working woman, even though she should be at home. My mom is the type to tell someone they aren’t “perfect” and to get away from her with a self centered attitude like Dee’s. She makes people realize that the world doesn’t revolve around them and that’s what I love about her. In “Everyday Use” the narrator mentions that she works like a man in the fields. I feel like my mom is the best person in the world because she has always been there for me through the thick and thin. If I were Dee I would change my attitude around because selfish people like her don’t get much in life.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

“Everyday Use” from Dee’s point of view

I’ve chosen to tell the story from Dee’s point of view. So far the main characters are Dee, Maggie and the narrator which is the mom. In the beginning Dee’s doesn’t live with her mom or sister she is in college. She gets invited back home to come and see her family. Dee comes home with a guy named “Asalamalakim” and introduces him to her family. Maggie is a little cowering and isn’t as blunt as Dee. From Dee’s point of life, everything has to revolve around her. She’s embarrassed to introduce her family and to even take pictures with them because the house that Maggie and the narrator live in isn’t good enough for her.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Everyday Use" Before You Read: Traditions & Heirlooms

One tradition I would like to start passing down to my kids and their kids is having family night every week. I’d like to do this because as I kid I never really spent any bonding time with my family. I don’t want my kids to have to go on not knowing their brothers and sisters well like I did. I don’t want my kids not knowing any of their uncles and aunts. Another tradition I would do is a family reunion at least once a year. My family growing up did have family reunions but not all the time did everyone go. I’d make it to where if you are family it was mandatory for you to go. When I was growing up it was not mandatory for you to go. These are the two main traditions’ I would pass on to my kids and make them pass it on to their kids.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Character Prior Knowledge Paragraph

In “Contents of A dead Man’s Pocket” I chose three characteristic that I thought best fit Tom Benecke. Tom is Brave, Adorable, and Determined. I say Tom is brave because as his yellow sheet of paper flew out onto the Ledge he goes out and gets it. I gave Tom the second trait because as he’s on the ledge he realizes that his wife is the most important thing in his life and that she deserves better. I chose that characteristic because it reminds me of me and my boyfriend. He thinks something like Tom Benecke. Last but not Least, the characteristic determined. I chose this characteristic for Tom Benecke because as he began to cross the ledge he wasn’t going back inside the house until he retrieved that yellow piece of paper. From my point of view I find Tom Benecke a very positive person.

My Story BIrd

Now, Where Did My Furry-Gummy Bear Go? on Storybird

9/11 Blogpost

I don't remember anything about the 9/11 because I was young at the. When the incident happened I didn't even find out till about 2 years later. I remember I was at my foster home when my foster brother was explaining what happened. They were making fun of the 9/11 in a video game he was playing. He was explaining how they just crashed the airplanes into two buildings in New York City. I didn’t find it serious until I heard that innocent lives were taken. A way to remind me of 9/11 is my cousin Broderick’s birthday. Everyone tells him he’s a “bad luck baby”.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Vocabulary Short Story

My house is always so Zany that it causes all types of drama and trouble for staff. Some staff gets so upset I know deep inside it causes them to hold grievance against us. It makes me want to hoard myself from the world. Most staff doesn’t try to recind things from us, but the one’s that can’t get over them do. One day I hope my most favorite staff Melissa can plan and Abduction and we move far, far away from here. Sometimes it’s fun, for example playing aquatic Volleyball or even basketball in the pool when we get a chance.

Mouse in The Cafe

There was a mouse named Jeffrey that lived inside of the café. He had been living there for so long he knew where everything went, and at what time it would happen. Jeffrey wasn’t the only one living in the café at the time. So were his friends Bob, Tim and Joe. One day Jeffrey decides to go on a walk outside of the café. So he puts his favorite piece of cheese under the table in the café because at that time he knew that no one would be inside of the café. Jeffrey came home hungry for something and anything at all. The only thing that came to mind was his favorite piece of cheese. When he went to go and get his piece of cheese it wasn’t there. The first thing he did was assume Joe took it, But after searching Joe he realized Joe didn’t have his cheese. Next he searched Tim, but neither did Tim have his cheese. Last but not least, Bob, he searches Bob hoping to find the evidence on Bob but he had no luck. As Jeffery’s searching up and down for his cheese he happens to reach his hands in his pocket. As he pulls out his hand, Bob notices that there was cheese all over Jeffery’s hand. He say’s to Jeffery “Hey Jeff, what’s that all over you hand, because to me it looks a lot like cheese”. As Jeffery looks down, he puts everything together and forgets he did put the cheese into his pocket because he was hungry before his walk.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Center for Regressive Tendencies Paragraph

If I were in Leonard Mead’s shoes and I arrived at the facility I would assume he would be confused on why he has to be there. If it were me I would be really scared because I’m not the type of person to get into trouble with any type of world wide state consequences. I would most likely cry my self to sleep and be wishing to go home. I could see Leonard Mead trying to convince the facility he did nothing wrong to deserve such a consequence. I also see Mead telling people what happened to him and how he has no reason to be there.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Purpose of " The Pedestrian"

In the early 1950’s, Ray Bradbury was a young man living in southern California. He did not know hot to drive, and he liked walking around his suburban neighborhood at nigh. Even back then behavior like that was considered “weird” that one time Ray was even stopped and questioned by a police officer. After him going on an innocent walk Ray Bradbury wondered how it might be viewed in the future. After Ray Bradbury’s interaction with the police office, he wrote it explaining how no one ever came out side or even turned lights on in their houses. He says they watched television and never even drove their cars. With that being said, if you were out alone with out any purpose you would be considered Suspicious. That’s where the officer from Ray Bradbury’s innocent with the recent office occurs in the story “The pedestrian”.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Life in 2053

I’d expect everything to not be as techy as it is now. I don't really see teenagers walking around on their technology. I picture them more like the world coming to and end and they are going poor so they'd have to work. Parents working hard but kids that is supposed to have lives having to work. When I think of 2053 it makes me think that because of the 2012 rumor that the world will end. I’ve been hearing that rumor for so long it’s hard to predict what the future will be like. I hope that 2053 isn’t as bad as I think of it.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Poem Analysis

The connection I see between “You want a social life” and “Contents of a Dead Man’s Pocket” is choosing the right and wrong things in life. In the poem “You want a social life” the writer mentions that you have choices but only some will ever help you into the future. Love life, friends or work but making the right choice will help you in the future. I would choose to have my job, then my love life, then friends. There isn’t really time for friends but if they were true friends they wouldn’t go anywhere. In “Contents of a dead Man’s pocket” Tom Benecke chose work over his love life. In the end he regretted not spending quality time with his wife. In life you can go both ways but you need to spend your time equally. From my point of View I would choose school work before Marcus, but when I’m done id spend time with Marcus.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Yellow Paper Paragraph

The most possessive thing that I would risk my life for is the picture I have of my grandma. I would risk my life for this picture because my grandma past away when I was only 1 years old. I didn’t know her very well because she died when I was a little girl. I regret being born so late so that way I could have met her. My mom always told me stories about her being a great mom and telling her stories when she was little. I would be so hurt if I lost the only picture left of my deceased grandmother. I’d do anything for that picture to stay safe under my responsibility. It means so much to me even though someone who I barely know is sitting on my dresser as I sleep at night.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Contents of A Dead Man's Packet

Tom Benecke chose to go out and get the yellow piece of paper. In the end it caused him to get trapped outside of the window with out any help while his wife went to the movies. Instead of going out onto the ledge I would have left the yellow piece of paper outside the window. I wouldn’t want to put my life at such a risk. The plot of my decision would be different from Tom Benecke’s decision because mine would have been less intense as his was. I do think that Tom Benecke was brave because he risked his life and after everything he regretted not spending more quality time with his wife.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Friends or Studying

Id rather study than to hang out with my friends. I think it's smarter to choose homework over friends at the right time because no one can help your education as much as you can.Hanging out with friends during school days will only distract me. If I happen to have time after doing my homework then there is a small chance I will decide to hang out with a friend. If one of my friends is trying to help me in a positive way to help me finish my homework then of course I would love to hang with them. Most of my friends distract me so I decide to study on my own.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Paralyzed By fear

The most recent time I rember being “ Paralyzed By Fear” was on my way to basetball practice. We were walking from the barn after watching a replay of an recent game and I was walking down with Tierra and Becky. We decided to walk ahead of eveyone else and take the shortcome. As we were turning the Marquise was coming aroung the same corner. He screamed and the the only thing that came to mind was a cures word. I cursed, Tierra screamed, and Becky just stared laughing. My heart was beating fast and in the end all I could do was laugh. We went to practice and the entire practice that was all I could think about.This was the time I was “Paralyzed by fear”. 

T.V Show

This weekend I watched an episode of SpongeBob Squarepants. Mr.Krabs runs out of his secret recipe so he orders a new shipment. He tells SpongeBob that the brief case that the secret recipe will arrive is his life and if he lost it to never come back to the Krusty Krabs. SpongeBob goes out to the swat team truck get the brief case the recipe will arrive in. He gets the recipe and come back inside the Krusty Krabs and notices that the recipe is missing. He doesn’t tell Mr. Krabs that the recipe was missing because he didn’t want to get fired. He tries to retrace his steps to find the recipe. He can’t find the recipe so he finally confesses to Mr. Krabs that the recipe is missing. Mr. Krabs calls the police and as he pulls out his cell phone he pulls out the recipe that was missing all along.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Free Post

Today was a pretty normal day. I was having a good day all the way up until 5th period. I don't know why I let people get to me and ruin my day. Then I came home and did community meeting and I ate an hot dog. I started texting someone a simple question and it was kind of un-necessary but I didn't let that ruin the rest of my day. So I went home to finish the rest of my homework I hadn't finished in class. Once again I had Volleyball practice and it was the same as yesterday’s practice. That was my day,Kind of boring and no excitement. 

Free Post

After school I did my homework in B5. I slept for about an hour then I went to Volleyball practice. I had volleyball practice after a couple of weeks. In the beginning it was fun but towards the end it got a little boring. It was fun because I had Jessica and Mary there to make me laugh when I got bored.  Me and Mary made up a handshake and we couldn’t stop laughing because we took part of it from Napoleon Dynamite which was kind of cool. We got to play a scrimage against our teamates and it was really challenging for the people who haven’t played the previous years. After practice I went to B5 to hang out with Marcus. He walked me home then I went to sleep.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Most Memorable Birthday

My birthday is October 2nd. My most memorable birthday was when I turned 14 years old. On the day of my birthday I walked outside of my room to see what time it was and all the girls were up already and told me happy birthday. I remember asking myself if that day was my birthday because for some reason I had forgotten. After I realized it really was my birthday we all laughed. I went to the cafe and for breakfast and Shane song "happy birthday" to me. Everyone gave me my presents that they bought for me and I enjoyed opening them. My best friend at the time gave me $20 and I thought it was pretty cool because I was thinking in my head “ If I were him I wouldn’t be giving me $20”. After school my housemate bought cake and Ice cream for me and I decided to share it with everyone inside of the cafe. I hung out with my brother Jabriel and Chelsea and they took me shopping and we came back at 9:45 at night. That was my most memorable Birthday. I had fun and I enjoyed spending time with family and friends.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

6 Q's about the news

WHO is the president of Pakistan?
Answer: Asif Ali Zardari.
WHAT problems have recent monsoon rains caused in Pakistan?
Answer: Flood’s, rain’s and landslides in the North raising water levels.
WHERE in the country have people been hard-hit by the rains and flooding?
Answer: Islamabad, Pakistan
WHEN was the last major natural disaster in Pakistan?
Answer: 2005 years ago
WHY are aid workers having trouble reaching the affected areas?
Answer: Aid workers are having trouble reaching affected areas because of bad weather
HOW many people have been affected, and killed, in the current disaster in Pakistan?
Answer: Six million have been affected and 1,500 have died

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Twenty-Five Random Things

  1. I like going to dipping french fries i my ice cream cone when I go to Mickey D’s
  2. I like asking random people if they are my dad just for fun
  3. I like to eat my hot Cheetos with cream cheese
  4. I like to sing “ God bless America” in the shower
  5. I like eating chicken top ramen everyday because I like the flavor
  6. I like to watch cartoons and learn the theme songs to them
  7. When I was 5, I called ever male friend my mom had a monster
  8. I have a live, teddy bear that I like to talk to
  9. I love to play basketball more with boys than I do girl because I get along with guys better
  10. I barely started doing my homework my freshmen year
  11. I play the drums and I have practice’s every Wednesday
  12. I like to swim but not in the ocean because of sharks
  13. My favorite food restaurant is Panda Express and I go every Thursday
  14. My favorite play brother and only play brother is Micheal Bradshaw because he makes me laugh
  15. I like horse’s and I used to think that when Joe Joe had his Mohawk, he was a horse
  16. I love to go to Baskin Robbins on Tuesday’s because they only charge $1 per scoop
  17. I have the best boyfriend because no matter what I do he doesn’t judge me
  18. I don’t listen to country music because sometimes I feel like they are not speaking correct English
  19. I have a friend who I call “fire flie” because we’ve been Thur everything together and we still are friends
  20. My favorite color is Red, Purple and sometimes Blue depending on how I feel that day
  21. I go the the Dragon’s lounge and buy a “ Strawberry-Kiwi Smoothie” every chance I get
  22. I can drink a 2 liter soda all by myself in 1 day
  23. I love pepperoni pizza but the crust is the best part of the pizza
  24. I’ve been wanting the top of my ear pierced for years now
  25. When I grow up I hope to become a pediatrician

Shaurice Wordle

Wordle: Basketball

Monday, August 9, 2010

My most Embarassing Moment

My embarrassing moment was actually recently. It was a couple of days after my boyfriend came home from his summer trip. I was coming from my house after dropping my food of from the café and I was going up the stairs and out of no where I tripped. I was so embarrassed because the person I’m shy to do anything in front of just seen me trip over myself going up a couple of stairs. Marcus laughed at me and told me it was cute only because it was me and he had never seen me do something so silly before. I laughed with him but in the inside I was embarrassed.

My weekend

On Saturday morning I spent some time with a couple friends on the football field. We were watching the boys practice for football and we got bored. I brought up the idea of helping my friend Liz practice her pitching to help her with her boredom. Liz, Mary and I all went home to get our softball gloves to play catch but then it started to get hot. We then stopped playing softball and went to listen to music under a tree with lots of shade. We got so caught up with the music that practice was already over. Lizbeth and Mary went to walk their boyfriend’s home but I just decided to walk my close friend Adolf home since my boyfriend wasn’t on the football team. Adolf thought it would be a great idea for us to go off campus. After I walked him home we went to the office to see if we could go and campus and eventually we did. We went to Petco, Panda Express, 7-11 and the 99 cents store. I went to Petco because I wanted to see how much my bearded dragon was. My bearded dragon was $50 but I didn’t have quite that much money on me so e went to panda express to buy some orange chicken. We went to 7-11 to buy chips and we went to the 99 cent store to buy soda because those were the cheaper stores. That was my fun weekend with Adolf, Mary, Liz and I.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My first day back to school

Today I was extremely exhausted so I thought the first day wouldn't go so well but it did. I love my classes and everyone in them. I can't wait for the middle of the school year to get use to the schedule so I won't get embarrassed walking into other classes that I don't even have. My favorite class so far has to be Ms.Priester because I never really got along with Walker, Beedle, and I don’t know Ms. Davis good enough to judge her. I hope this year goes great. Overall today was a great first day of school.