Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Twenty-Five Random Things

  1. I like going to dipping french fries i my ice cream cone when I go to Mickey D’s
  2. I like asking random people if they are my dad just for fun
  3. I like to eat my hot Cheetos with cream cheese
  4. I like to sing “ God bless America” in the shower
  5. I like eating chicken top ramen everyday because I like the flavor
  6. I like to watch cartoons and learn the theme songs to them
  7. When I was 5, I called ever male friend my mom had a monster
  8. I have a live, teddy bear that I like to talk to
  9. I love to play basketball more with boys than I do girl because I get along with guys better
  10. I barely started doing my homework my freshmen year
  11. I play the drums and I have practice’s every Wednesday
  12. I like to swim but not in the ocean because of sharks
  13. My favorite food restaurant is Panda Express and I go every Thursday
  14. My favorite play brother and only play brother is Micheal Bradshaw because he makes me laugh
  15. I like horse’s and I used to think that when Joe Joe had his Mohawk, he was a horse
  16. I love to go to Baskin Robbins on Tuesday’s because they only charge $1 per scoop
  17. I have the best boyfriend because no matter what I do he doesn’t judge me
  18. I don’t listen to country music because sometimes I feel like they are not speaking correct English
  19. I have a friend who I call “fire flie” because we’ve been Thur everything together and we still are friends
  20. My favorite color is Red, Purple and sometimes Blue depending on how I feel that day
  21. I go the the Dragon’s lounge and buy a “ Strawberry-Kiwi Smoothie” every chance I get
  22. I can drink a 2 liter soda all by myself in 1 day
  23. I love pepperoni pizza but the crust is the best part of the pizza
  24. I’ve been wanting the top of my ear pierced for years now
  25. When I grow up I hope to become a pediatrician

1 comment:

  1. Woah! Before you become a pediatrician, you'll need to begin punctuating your sentences and checking your commas. :) Hmmm...you don't like country music, due to the grammar in the lyrics. What about rap and pop music?
