Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fourth Quarter Goals

My greatest accomplishment for 3rd quarter was achieving a 3.0 GPA. To achieve that I was always staying focused homework and class work. I made sure that everything was turned in and completely finished and if there was an error with my work I talked to the teacher. My goal this quarter is to get higher than a 3.0 to get scholarships and make my college road easier to drive down. I hope that I achieve this goal because in the future it will really help me.

What I learned in the Third Quarter of English 10

What I learned in the Third Quarter of English 10

Graphic Organizer

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Graphic

" Where have you gone, Charming Billy?" Narrative

I have been in Vietnam for two days and I have not seen many battles but I have already seen death. When I saw it was not from a battle or a fight but a it was from fright. I remember seeing Billy Boy Watkins scream as he clumsily stepped in the middle of the path and onto a landmine, blowing his foot off. He was so scared that he was going to die that he had a heart attack. That heart attack killed him. I was so scared when I watched him die right in front of  me from fear. Now that I think back on it is kind of funny, I can just imagine what his family will think when they get the paper explaining how their son had died. Not from a brave battle or being a hero, but of fright.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What I learned in the Third Quarter of English 10

This quarter I have learned about Primary and Secondary sources, Symbolism, Allegory, Poetry, Imagery, and Figurative language. I feel that the grade I received this Quarter is a grade I deserve because I worked hard while working on the assignments and completed most of them. Every Quarter is a new experience for me because I get to learn new things each time. There is one more Quarter left in the school year and I’m kind of upset that I will no longer have Ms.Priester as an English teacher. Also, leaving Ms.Priester’s class will lead me to a new adventure to learn new things going into Ms.Ramirez’s classroom. This is my experience while having Ms.Priester’s class for third quarter.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?

I would never enlist in the military. I would love to fight for people’s lives but I feel like I wouldn’t risk my life for theirs. I myself am somewhat selfish. I’m not selfish to hurt people’s feelings but I love my life to much too just risk it. On the other hand I would if I wasn’t scared of dying. If I were drafted I think I would cry and beg them not send me there. I would ask them if they could pick someone else who wanted to be drafted. If they told me know I think I would just kill myself but not as painfully as it would getting shot with a bazooka. There would be dead bodies everywhere and just one dead body could put me in a crisis.

CAHSEE reflection

I have very high confidence about passing the CAHSEE. I’m very smart in school and I feel that I put all of the information I was taught by my teacher Ms.Priester was a big help for me. I remember how she told us to relax and not to stress about the problems we didn’t know. I was one of the first ones done and not because I rushed through it but because every question I looked at seemed to be a piece of cake. I believe that the teaching method Ms.Priester uses to teach her students is very useful especially when you pay attention in her class. Freshman year Rebekah and I were the only two students with A’s in her class. I never thought I would be the one to receive an A in a class everyone seemed to dislike.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Primary and Secondary Sources

Secondary Sources get their information from Primary Sources which allows them both to get information they were both seeking for. Primary Sources find their information first hand. An example of Primary source would be a diary, letters, personal essays, speeches, editorials etc. Secondary sources are is second hand information. Examples of secondary sources would be history books, reference books, biographies, encyclopedias, magazine articles etc. Primary and secondary sources are useful because it is based on several different view points, it can give you a broad view, and it contains facts.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Feelings about the CAHSEE

I’m kind of ready for the CAHSEE. I’m very confident about the English part because I feel that it was of my strong subjects in school. When it comes to math I’m such a big fan of it. I get the concept of the basic math but during the CAHSEE it comes along with a time limit. I tend to get nervous and start to give up on myself. This is a very big thing for me because if I don’t pass it and I have to retake it I feel like kids will judge me. My goal is to pass it the first time around and if not that then before I graduate. If I complete this CAHSEE I will receive a High School diploma which will allow me to go to college. I pray to god that I pass it or a miracle happens.