Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?

I would never enlist in the military. I would love to fight for people’s lives but I feel like I wouldn’t risk my life for theirs. I myself am somewhat selfish. I’m not selfish to hurt people’s feelings but I love my life to much too just risk it. On the other hand I would if I wasn’t scared of dying. If I were drafted I think I would cry and beg them not send me there. I would ask them if they could pick someone else who wanted to be drafted. If they told me know I think I would just kill myself but not as painfully as it would getting shot with a bazooka. There would be dead bodies everywhere and just one dead body could put me in a crisis.


  1. Good job Shaurice keep up the good work.

  2. Wonderful post Shaurice, you sound a bit BALLISTIC!
