Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Story Teller

  1. The Cat in the Hat (Dr.Suess)
  2. Cinderella (Edmund Dulac)
  3. The sleeping Princess (Edmund Dulac)
  4. The Princess and the Pea (Hans Christian Andersen)
  5. The Little Mermaid (Hans Christian Andersen)
My favorite fairy tale book while growing up was "The Cat in the Hat" by Dr.Seuss. I've cherished all books by Dr. Seuss because when I was growing up, his books always made me laugh as a little girl. I loved how his rhymes were gave me something to think about. "Who would ever think about green eggs and ham?" is what I would ask myself. Till this day I know that Dr.Seuss has the most easiest yet mind challenging books. For me everything he ever rhymed has meaning to me. My mother read it to me, as well as my grandmother and father. In the future I plan to read Dr. Seuss to my children and hope they read it to their children.

1 comment:

  1. Great job Shaurice, Dr.Sues is a great writer and I love his books too.
