Thursday, January 6, 2011

Third Quarter Goals

      My greatest accomplishments of 2010 was being 2 points away from a 4.0 during the first quarter of the school year. I tried to at least get a 3.0 for Volleyball season which is what our coach required to play, but when I added up all my grades it made me 2 points away from somewhere I thought I'd never be.  I focused and studied hard and my goal was to try and have 2 A's.After I saw how close I was I thought positive to keep that GPA.

      My goal for this quarter is to keep a 3.0 GPA so that it makes my transcripts look good when I attend college.For me to achieve this I will complete my class and homework assingments everyday for each class. I will study hard to pass my test and finals I recieve. At last I will try to go to school everyday without missing as usual. This is my current goal.


  1. With out missing what as usual.(homework, school days, classes) I don't know what your not missing.

  2. Good Job Shaurice keep doing the thing you did for the fist quarter of school and maybe you will get a 4.0
