Monday, January 10, 2011

"Through the Tunnel" Prove Yourself Paragraph

A time I felt I needed to prove to myself by achieving something that was difficult and challenging was when I first started playing basketball my freshman year. I had to practice as hard as I could to get to where I am now. I watched the re-turners and I followed every step they took in a positive way. After all I got what I wanted, which was to become famous on the court. In the end of every game it feels good to hear how much my fans tell me that I’m so great at basketball. Now that I’ve reached my goal I want to help the new comers take my place and also share the fame that feels good to have on the basketball court.


  1. Hey thats good that you listend to what the returners say so you can get time on the court because you one person we need on the court this year.

  2. Nice to know that you had troubles. Oh, and nice job on doing your homework early. That is a great start.

  3. That is funny that you said that. I wanna see that on the court Miss help the new comers.

  4. I think that you make a good leader on the court and I know you are super good, by senior year you are going to be the bomb!!!

  5. I've noticed that your leadership skills have also improved since your freshman year. Keep up the progress!

  6. Well keep up the hard work and I'm sure your going to be a star in life.

  7. Im glad that you are willing to help people and you have improved a lot.
