Monday, February 14, 2011

Graph Sherbet Blogpost 2011

I can relate to the “Grape Sherbet” poem because I remember when my grandpa died how I couldn’t remember what the stuff he cooked taste anymore. The phrases that help me imagine this poem was when she was talking about standing above stones with names on them and she had no idea there were people under her feel. Imagery helps a person imagine the story right out into detail. It has smell, sight, touch, sound, and taste.


  1. Good Job Shaurice. I don't really know that feeling but I understand you.

  2. Im sorry for your lost my cousin died last year and I cant remember his voice anymore even though I played video games alot with him so I think I know your pain. Remember He will always be there with you no matter what. Keep up the good work I know he is proud of you.
