Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Playwrights Project Play Completion Reflection

Right now I feel disappointed in myself because I did not enter my project into the contest because I was still editing it. I feel that my play was very good, I took my time and it’s a true story. I don’t want the actors to act out my play because I’m kind of embarrassed. I’m afraid of what people might say about my play. I don’t want people to judge me if they don’t like my play. If there were time for me to enter the play I don’t think my play would win because there is no type of comedy it’s just a very direct play.


  1. Well, that is okay there is always a next time. I do hope you finished editing at the end of the day. You will be okay.

  2. It's okay Ree atleast you did your work and finished it! Don't be discouraged and always think positive about your work no matter what others think, everyone has their own opinion.

  3. Well I know that you are upset that you didn't input it but htere is always next time also don't let people put you down remember haters make people famous!
