Monday, May 9, 2011

Summarize, Paraphrase, and Quote Peers’ Posts

Summary: This is a summary of Becky's blog post titled "Comment-Seeking Post". To access the full post, click here Comment-Seeking Post. Becky's blog talks about growing up as a young girl trying to become women that every young girl is soon to be. In other words, she is trying to live the grown up life which is still kind of hard. Beck says how she's having family issues, which everyone has. I give credit to her because she has stepped up to the plate and other girls haven't. That's a very hard job and a very hard part of life at her age. Paraphrase: This is a paraphrase of a section of Becky's blog post titled "Comment-Seeking Post". To access the full post, click here Comment-Seeking Post. "The only disadvantage of working is having to keep up with my school work".Quote: This is a summary of Becky's blog post titled "Comment-Seeking Post". To access the full post, click here Comment-Seeking Post. " I recently just started work at Foot Locker, and I really like it."

1 comment:

  1. Some of the terms have been mixed up. There are two quotes. Where is the paraphrased section?
    This was confusing to read.
