Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Everyday Use" Before You Read: Traditions & Heirlooms

One tradition I would like to start passing down to my kids and their kids is having family night every week. I’d like to do this because as I kid I never really spent any bonding time with my family. I don’t want my kids to have to go on not knowing their brothers and sisters well like I did. I don’t want my kids not knowing any of their uncles and aunts. Another tradition I would do is a family reunion at least once a year. My family growing up did have family reunions but not all the time did everyone go. I’d make it to where if you are family it was mandatory for you to go. When I was growing up it was not mandatory for you to go. These are the two main traditions’ I would pass on to my kids and make them pass it on to their kids.

1 comment:

  1. Family reunions sound like a great idea! They sound fun, too!
    (Remember to proofread your work before posting it. There are a few errors that can be avoided if you take some time to look over your work.)
